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来源: 壹点网 2023-03-13 13:16:58

莫怀远1944 年出生,广西贵港市人、作品参加第八届、第九届国际菲律宾、日本和欧洲八国巡展金奖。全国书画展18个金奖。“奥林匹克之旅书画展”特等奖,由国际奥委会主办。“和平杯海峡两岸书画名家交流展”。“全国、中国画名家邀请展优秀奖”,(中国美协主办),获“金马纳福荣誉证书”“贡献中国荣誉证书”“全国书画家代表”文化部,人民日报社颁发。“多彩金秋”优秀奖,广西文化厅颁发。“文明古国友好使者”“文明古国,艺术传承最高成就奖”、由印度、埃及、希腊及中国有关单位、媒体提名严格评选。“获首届中国民族文艺领袖终身成就奖”最具国粹传承艺术大家。共和国诗书画功勋奖。人民功勋书画家。“国粹传承艺术家”《中国人民美术网》及观众评选。首届世界非物质文化遗产文艺功勋金奖,世界非物质文化遗产传承人物荣誉称号。中华爱国名家,艺术界功勋人物(人民日报社)。作品入编:《古国艺术,名家列传》,世界艺术出版社,世界教科组织联合会,中国文艺管理协会等出版。《世界名人录》《世界人物辞海》《中国气派走向世界的艺术大家》世界知识出版社出版。《中国国礼推荐与采购》《共和国奠基者》《盛世收藏,中国当代影响力的书画名家》天津人民美术出版社出版,全国发行。《中国百年收藏艺术精品集》,新华社中央级综合出版社出版。《中华文化传承经典》(中国文献出版社)《中国书画名人集》中国文联出版社出版。《中国当代书画名家盛世收藏》中国文联出版社,《共和国艺术家辞海》最新版,中国共产党诞辰 95周年,人民日报书画报刊4幅作品,《华人艺术书画大师》世界人民美术出版社。2015华人美术年鉴(中国文化信息协会)。中国东盟广西书画名家荟萃。《领航新时代共筑中国梦》《莫怀远名人词典》《国家相册》《国家名片》《人民美术(人民日报社)》,全国两会亚洲博鳌论坛特别推荐艺术名家莫怀远《中国新闻联播》,著名艺术家莫怀远向国家第一个百年奋斗目标作贡献《央视中国新闻联播》,向国庆七十周年献礼《笔墨中国致敬经典艺坛大家莫怀远,全球头条,获中南海紫光阁国礼收藏证书,全球资讯头条热点》、新时代艺坛名家--莫怀远专题报道--人民日报欧洲网、2020年度重点推荐画家--莫怀远专题报道(央视网)《中国当代实力派画家》中国著名实力派画家--莫怀远(央视网)、中国央视报道等共八十多部典集。联合国金砖文化功勋奖,文化传播大使。金砖国家文化理事会第一任会长。中央热点观察网。纪念毛主席在延安文艺座谈会上讲话80周年(国务院新闻办)。华人日报(网全球报道)。











Mo Huaiyuan was born in 1944, from Guigang city, Guangxi. His works participated in the gold medal of the 8th and ninth International Philippines, Japan and Europe. National painting and calligraphy exhibition 18 gold awards. The grand prize of "Olympic Tour Painting and Painting Exhibition" is sponsored by the International Olympic Committee."Peace Cup Cross-strait painting and calligraphy masters exchange exhibition"."National and Chinese Painting Masters Excellence Award in Invitational Exhibition", (sponsored by China Artists Association), won the "Golden Horse Fortune Certificate of Honor", "Certificate of Honor of Contribution to China", "National Calligraphy and Painting Representative" issued by the Ministry of Culture, People's Daily. The "Colorful golden Autumn" excellence award, awarded by the Guangxi Department of Culture."Friendship Ambassador of Ancient Civilization" and "Highest Achievement Award of Ancient Civilization" are nominated by relevant units and media in India, Egypt, Greece and China."Won the first Chinese National Literary Leader Lifetime Achievement Award" the most quintessence of Chinese heritage art. Republic poetry and calligraphy Merit award. People's meritorious calligraphers and painters."Quintessence inheritance artist" "Chinese People's Art Network" and the audience selection. The first World Intangible Cultural Heritage Gold Medal for Literary Merits, the honorary title of world Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance Person. Chinese patriotic masters, meritorious figures in the art world (People's Daily). Works: Ancient Chinese Art, Biography of Famous Artists, World Art Publishing House, World Federation of Education and Science Organizations, China Literature and Art Management Association, etc."World celebrities", "Sea of World characters", "Chinese Style to the world" published by World Knowledge Press."Recommendation and Procurement of Chinese National Rites", "Founders of the Republic", "Shengshi Collection, Contemporary Chinese influential Calligraphy and Painting Masters", Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House, published and distributed nationwide. A Collection of Chinese Art, published by Xinhua Central Comprehensive Publishing House. Chinese Culture Inheritance Classics (China Literature Publishing House), Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Celebrity Collection, published by China Federation of Literary and Art Press."Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Masters Shengshi Collection" China Federation of Literary and Art Press, "the latest edition of the 95th anniversary of the birth of the Communist Party of China, People's Daily Calligraphy and calligraphy newspaper 4 works," Chinese Art Painting and Calligraphy Master " World People's Fine Arts Publishing House.2015 Chinese Fine Arts Yearbook (Chinese Cultural and Information Association). Chinese asean Guangxi painting and calligraphy masters gather together. Leading the New Era and Build the Chinese Dream, Mo Huaiyuan's Famous Dictionary, National Photo Album, National Business Card, People's Fine Arts (People's Daily), The Boao Forum for Asia specially recommended the "China News Network", Famous artist Mo Huaiyuan makes a contribution to the country's first centenary goal, To the 70th anniversary of the National Day " ink and China to pay tribute to the classic art world everyone Mo Huaiyuan, Global headlines, Received the Zhongnanhai Ziguangge National Gift Collection Certificate, Global news headlines hot spot, the new era of art masters-Mo Huaiyuan special report-People's Daily European website, 2020 key recommended painter-Mo Huaiyuan special report (CCTV network) "China's contemporary powerful painter" Chinese famous powerful painter-Mo Huaiyuan (CCTV network), China CCTV report, a total of more than 80 collections. The UN BRICS Cultural Merit Award, the Ambassador for Cultural Communication. First President of the BRICS Cultural Council. Central hotspot observation network. In memory of chairman MAO



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