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来源: 壹点网 2023-03-13 15:30:54



多年来,作品在 “四圣杯”、“炎黄杯”、“中华魂”、“纪念毛泽东诞辰120周年”等全国书画作品大赛、大展等活动中,获金奖五次,银奖三次,其他奖项若干次。作品被编入“巍巍中华书画大典”、“翰墨颂伟人”、“献礼十八大——中华魂全国诗书画精品集萃”、“炎黄杯国际诗书画印艺术精品”、“中国草书选集”、“中国行书选集”、“中国书画名家代表作年鉴(2012)”、“收藏天地”、“第三届全国中老年书画创作交流研讨会获奖作品选集”等二十余种辞书。2014年,与沈鹏、权希军一起入编由中国文化出版社出版的《艺术之约》,与沈鹏、欧阳中石、张海、刘大伟、冯远、言恭达等10位书画家一起入编由文化部文化交流中心主编的《一代翘楚》;还有《文化中国行·走进大家》、《世纪辉煌》、《华夏瑰宝》、《国学典藏》、《推动中国的领军人物》、大型传记《中国书画家艺术人生访谈录》等书刋。三百余幅作品刊登在中国书法网、国家艺术网、中国传承艺术网等数十家网站。特别今年两会期间,中国企业报“艺术资本”以“特邀最受欢迎的人民书画家献礼全国两会”为标题,发2015年第八十一期专刊,以近二十幅书法作品,热烈祝贺全国两会胜利召开。多年来被相关艺术机构及组委会授予“传承经典艺术100强书画家”、“2013年备受关注100强书画家”、“毛泽东艺术风骨推崇者”、“中华民族杰出艺术家”、“金奖艺术家”、“中华文化名人”、“全国百位优秀人民书画家”、“向企业重奌推荐的百强书画名家”、“优秀人民艺术家”等称号,并入选“中华文化名人堂”。2014年9月荣誉入选新长城艺术家,其题词和代表作品被镌刻在八达岭新长城向中外游客永久展示,并由中国八达岭新长城组委会颁发荣誉证书,授予“中国八达岭新长城优秀艺术家和八达岭长城中国文化榜入选艺术家”,作品刊登在《商界财富》杂志上向海外发行。
















Xu Delun, party member, born in March 1940, Xibo nationality, Dalian, Liaoning province, university degree, senior engineer. Before retirement, he for the management of the central mining enterprise. I have loved calligraphy since childhood, especially after retirement, I studied calligraphy wholeheartedly. I have participated in the Chinese Calligraphy Guide and the Calligraphy Training class held by the Calligraphy School of CDB University, mainly practicing and cursive writing. At the end of the course, his article entitled "The true meaning of Books" was included in "The Cradle of Chinese Calligraphy Elite".

Now for Chinese artists, national senior calligrapher, national level artist (calligraphy), Chinese couplet member, Chinese member of calligrapher association, member of the central state organs calligrapher's association, Chinese hard pen calligraphy association, member of Chinese elderly painting and calligraphy research association, member of Chinese yan yellow art association, member of Chinese yan yellow art society, the Chinese art masters archives lifelong member, calligraphy education, senior lecturer, Chinese and foreign celebrity culture research association academic committee consultant, Chinese couplet art research association united ink art newspaper, vice President of the Chinese couplet society painting and calligraphy art academy calligraphy art, director, deputy director of Chinese calligraphy art research institute, director of information technology research institute of painting and calligraphy professional committee, the national celebrity painting and calligraphy art federation, the former ministry of culture of Chinese calligraphy and painting, Beijing, vice President of the Chinese calligraphy art network art committee, executive vice President of painting, chairman of the Confucian cultural industry alliance, Hong Kong, honorary chairman of Chinese calligrapher's association (life) , Art consultant of Tibetan Art Network Calligraphy and Painting Working Committee, director of the Council of Financial Media Center of "Chinese Talent", professor-level consultant of aesthetic Education Vision column group of Central New Film and Middle School Students Channel. Join the national professional credit evaluation network skills talent pool.

Over the years, the works in the "Four Holy Grail", "Yellow Cup", "The Soul of China", "commemorating the 120th anniversary of the birth of Mao Zedong" and other national painting and calligraphy works competitions and exhibitions, won five gold awards, three silver awards, and several other awards. Works into "wei Chinese painting and calligraphy ceremony", "calligraphy great man", "tribute 18 —— the soul of the Chinese national poetry and calligraphy works", "yellow cup international poetry calligraphy and painting art", "Chinese cursive anthology", "Chinese running script anthology", "Chinese painting and calligraphy masters masterpiece yearbook (2012)", "collection", "the third national middle-aged and old painting and calligraphy creation exchange seminar winning works anthology" and so on more than 20 kinds of dictionaries. In 2014, Art, published by Shen Peng and Quan Xijun, was edited by Generation Leaders, and 10 artists including Shen Peng, Ouyang Zhongshi, Zhang Hai, Liu Dawei, Feng Yuan, Yan Gongda, edited by the Cultural Exchange Center of the Ministry of Culture; "Culture in China", "Century Glory", "Chinese Treasure", "Chinese Collection", "Leading China", and "Interview with Art Life of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy". More than 300 works have been published on dozens of websites such as China Calligraphy Network, National Art Network and China Inheritance Art Network. Especially during this year's two sessions, China Enterprise News "Art Capital" to " specially invite the most popular people's painting and calligraphyJournal, book, etc. In particular, the book "The World Chinese Festival" is composed of five people, including Tu Youyou, Jin Yong, Ma Yun, Cui Ruzhuo and Xu Delun.

On the New Year's Day of 2019, the Taiwan calendar, published in the name of "political, commercial and artistic figures" and under the supervision of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, was a work report by five representatives including President Xi and Ren Zhengfei, and Xu Delun (representative of calligraphy art) participated in it.

During the two sessions in 2019, he was selected by the media in the name of "I represent the two sessions" to publish a special issue in the People's Representative Daily, with eight editions and 18 works to celebrate the two sessions.

At the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019, organized by the Academic Committee of Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture Research Association, and the famous Chinese painting and calligraphy evaluation experts, as "The most valuable collection artist in China" and issued a certificate.

During this event, also by the relevant media units, successively awarded "rescheduled open outstanding meritorious artists", "cultural confidence artist", "salute the Chinese 70 years artistic achievements", "Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy masters" and calligraphy and painting masters on the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up large network painting and calligraphy exhibition won the "special prize" and "awarded the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up pioneer artist" honorary title.

In 2019, at the invitation of the Organizing Committee of the Art Exhibition celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Establishment between China and the United States, and the calligraphy work "The establishment of the Establishment will move forward", the experts of the organizing committee unanimously awarded the "special prize" and customized it on the national ceremony, and awarded the honorary title of "Cultural Image Ambassador of a Great Country".

In 2020, in order to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Italy, the calligraphy work "Good Stories of East and West Exchange, New Chapter of China-Italy Friendship" was customized by the organizing committee for the national ceremony, and was awarded the honorary title of "Image Ambassador of China-Italy Cultural Exchange".

In 2021, the work was selected into the "Invitational Exhibition of Famous Chinese Fine Artists" sponsored by "China Art" magazine and Art Yun, and won the exhibition certificate.

Recently, Chinese painting and calligraphy title Runge evaluation center and other 4 units selection, specially awarded "national first-class art master", and won the honorary title of "a generation of masters".

In commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, he was awarded the honorary title of "Meritorious artist" by the official authority of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Review Committee and other three units.

The Chinese Meritorious Person Committee is specially awarded the title of "Chinese Meritorious Person". By the national art master review committee and other units awarded the title of "national art master", and the "Chinese federation of culture and art", Chinese traditional culture development center and other units awarded the "Chinese painting and calligraphy artists best", "art inheritance", "special recommended artist", "Chinese positive energy artist", "Chinese artists", "China international art image ambassador", "the 21st century Chinese cultural celebrity" and other honorary titles.



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